Archives for General - Page 2
New Social Media “IT”–is “IT” worth it?
Just out, the official video! Yes you heard right. I've been following the development of a new social media platform called "It" (Former known as LeafIt)It boasts a revolutionary concept--self monitization. What does this mean?…
What Would You Like to Learn?
Thank you so much for visiting my site and following along with the information. For those of you who have been keeping up, it's sometime around now when I announce the next Understanding Medicare seminar…
Thinking Outside the Box–Supplementing Your Fixed Income
This is an all-ages post, for the most part. You don't have to be on Social Security or retired in order to have a fixed or limited income. You can be a stay-at-home mom or…
Annuities–7 Facts, Myths, and Other Ideas Made Clear
Before I got into the life of helping people understand insurance options, I worked at a bank--two banks actually. I was a teller handling the standard transactions that most people get processed at a bank--cashing…
Understanding Medicare Live Session Announced for April
Thank you all for your support and attendance in my monthly seminars. I'm glad to see that many of you have questions that I can help find the answers to, and that we can share…
Pages updated!
I've gotten pages for Part A and Part B mostly completed. For those (more…)
I'm currently building this site with lots of information. Feel free to browse and/or post a comment with your questions or information! We'll grow in knowledge together! Click here to get started